Highlander Internet Radio - a new trial 1½ Hour Streamed Program that's is changed every week with a "Top" DJ! Check it out!!! - Talk, Music & Fun. This is an advanced site and we strongly encourage you to Get Shockwave!
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Welcome to Nessie
on the Net!
Nessie's Picture
Exclusive-Nessie's village suffers terrible floods!Pictures and movie.
(last modified 10 March 1997)

Videos, Internet Radio, Interactive
, Sightings, Chat! and Sounds right from the heart of the Scottish Highlands...
Our awards!
Scroll on for more and more fun...!

We now have a new Private Scientific and Research Area for detailed information about Loch Ness and the monster. This is a very exciting new innovation and will allow us to maintain the highest quality for people who have a genuine interest in this enigma. You can apply to receive a free username and password

Nessie village flooded on Sunday 2/3/97 We have pictures and a video of the terrible chaos.Also: Check out our VIDEO feed from Loch Ness - yes this is how it looks here today! There's also Urquhart Gallery, Loch Ness, and check out below for other BIG NEW stuff...

Take a look at..PICTURES of Nessie and a growing database of sightings...
INCLUDING THIS YEARS!-courtesy of The Official Loch Monster Fan Club
Blot on the landscape
Why does Nessie looked so shocked - well, read about Urquhart Castle and you'll find out!
...OR VOTE in our great new auto-voting system. The topic now: WHAT IS NESSIE?
...and although we are a TNT television "Weird Site of the Week" and are delighted to have been selected for many of the major Net awards, we're are still trying to improve and enhance...This site is run as a hobby - because it's great fun.

Highland Internet Radio...and, by popular demand, 1 - 2 hours of "Listen While You Browse" radio! (due to the combined efforts of Nessie on the Net!, the Highlander Web Magazine and our own "top international" DJ -"Mr. President", Gary Campbell and Melanie Mackay). Listen out for special guest appearances by Aberdeen Angus and "multi-media" Morag.

?Does Nessie exist? -this new auto VOTE responder is your chance to decide

Major news update (7/9/96) to our Urquhart Castle World Appeal
See the latest news here and cast your vote for the Castle

NEW IMPROVED Sheep! - with weird streaming sound!

Nessie's webmaster - Thomas the Moggy makes a rare television appearance on a mountain overlooking Loch Ness(Quicktime movie).

How about blethering (chatting) live with Nessie and other surfers here on the web? Check out
The Highland Blether Bar © it's back in business (so please look after it!). But remember - you can simultaneously tune into Highland Internet Radio © and blether away all night with a decent "local" radio station in the background!

...and you simply must sign our INTERACTIVE visitor's book...
and see what others have to say about Nessie on the Net!

These pages feature information about the Highlands of Scotland

Top 5% of the www

McKinley 3 stars

TNT Weird Site award!

Fortean Times Fortstar Site

Fledge Approved Site

Scottish award

Omni Edge Award

Netscarta great site

An MGI Net Guide top 500 site

and this is a Netscape 3.0 site

So PLEASE use: Netscape v2 or 3

and please check out other sites on our
great host -Foremost Training's High
Speed Server (now on its own 512k line!)
A safe site: We are RSACI rated

Thank you to all those people who have voted us into Point's top 5% of Web sites!

Please sign our INTERACTIVE visitor's book...

and see what other's have to say about Nessie on the Net!


The famous Urquhart Castle ruin - don't let it be ruined - it can be saved with YOUR help NOW! This Internet voting campaign has been featured in the Guardian, the Sunday Express, the Inverness Courier, the Press & Journal, the Scotsman, the Scottish Herald, TV and Radio (around the world) and Nessie on the Net! hopes the extra publicity will help win the day. Considering that this once beautiful Castle now has a monstrous portacabin planted right in the middle, it probably does not bode well for the site's future. Please help.
Perhaps you would like to add your name to the Dunblane MemorialDunblane Memorial Wreath
Nessie on the Net! wishes the best of luck to the families of all those children who died in Dunblane as they battle to ban ALL hand guns from this country.

Links to other great places...

Copyright © 1995/96 Mikko Takala - All rights reserved. Nessie on the Net! is a non-commercial and un-sponsored site. It's run for fun and to show what can be done! Your comments and feedback are very welcome.
Webmaster - Mikko Takala

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